If you want to participate, please write a registration form at the bottom of this page and email to until July 18, 2011.
In particular, if you want to give a contributed talk, please submit the title and the long abstract (over half page) of your talk when you send a registration. The program will consist of 50 minutes talks by invited speakers, and 30 minutes contributed talks.
We plan to reserve hotels in downtown of Chuncheon, which is 10 minutes distance from KNU. It will cost 70,000 Won per night. We will give more informations later.
We plan to support the accommodation of graduate students who registered until the deadline.
Registration form for 2011 Combinatorics Workshop.
English Name / Original Name (usually Korean):
Status: (Professor/ Post Doc./ Researcher/ Student)
Accommodation Date: 17(Y/N), 18(Y/N)
Information for Accommodation, if you are student: (Male/Female)
Do you want to give a contributed talk? : (Y/N)
If you want to give a talk, please answer the following.
Title of your talk:
Long abstract of your talk:
(over half page)